Friday, December 5, 2008

Silly Hats

Here's me and my brother Ben and his son Bryson being silly.

Its been a while....again.

I haven't been so good at blogging like I should. I'm sorry, why lie I've been gaming. But let me tell you what I've been up to. Lately I got a piano and totally love to play around. I'm not into playing notes or songs, but I love playing tunes. I can now play part of the nut cracker theme, the supermario tune, and part of Beverly Hills Cop Theme song. I have been having alot of fun with this piano making some beats and stuff, I will post a video when I get a chance. Of course I have been doing alot of gaming playin halo3 with my brothers Eric, Josh, and Ben. I've also been trying to spend more time with my hunny bunny just because I love her so much. And just recently I have been really really sick. Thanksgiving was not very fun for me because I was feeling so sick. I was sick for about 5 days and then I got all better, but I pushed the limits while I was fixing my bike in fidel's shop because it was REALLY cold. So now I am still fighting off some sickness still. I will be going on vacation to MEXICO tomorrow, I pray that all will go well on our trip. Please keep us in our prayers and God Bless.

This is a picture of my game room

Here is a picture of my nightstand when I am sick

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Byson's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Bryson!

Bryson is one of my favorite nephews. He's just like me, blunt, funny, and not shy. We had a party for him the other day and he started the party with a couple songs he likes to sing, one of them being "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho" with no shame in his game, he must be a Garza! Hope he likes his remote control car!

My dad is awesome!

I'm not sure why I am so interested in this thing called a computer, but all I know is I've had one all my life. My dad bought us the first Commador 64 in 1984 when I was only 3 years old, which got stolen very quickly there after. The next computer we got was the IBM Tandy in 1986 i believe. This computer was very expensive and sported the dual disk drive that need a 5 1/4 disk to boot and another disk to run a command prompt and another disk to run an application. Needless to say it didn't have much of a hard drive or memory for that matter. Yet this was one of the coolest things we ever had. We would WOW our guests with printed booklets and signs with their personal names on them. We had a great program called PrintShop and it gave me such pleasure to create a sign or something fun with this program and print it on our super cool printer. I remember RSVP was the coolest font that we had. Anyways I think all this computer stuff gave me a head start on the technology world. I asked my dad a couple weeks ago "How did you know to buy us computers?" He said, " well my boss told me everything was moving to computers so I decided it would get you guys ahead of the game." And indeed he was right. My brother Ben works for a great company called Pacific Northwest National Laboratories as a Computer Scientist and I work for Educational Service District 123 as the Technology Support Specialist. I wonder, what would make my kids "ahead of the game" who knows, but I hope I can get them ahead of the game like my dad did.

Thanks Dad for getting us the tools for the future. My dad is awesome, he has always been a technology buff in his own way. He had a video camera early on, he had a sweet camera, and always had the coolest toys. He now owns a nice plasma tv and now one of the lastest and greatest Iphones. We recently went to the Seattle Apple Store and he took the plunge.

The New Macbooks were AWESOME to see!!!!!!!!!!


Fidel and Marissa are both my cousins, no not because they are married, they are both my first cousins! Weird isn't it. Well its not that weird because Fidel is my cousin on my dads side and Marissa on my moms side. They have both been the bestest of friends to me since we were really really little. They have this wonderful son his name is Aiden and they blessed us with the privilege of being his God Parents. Being a "God Parent" is a privilege and a blessing because you get to embrace the child as if it was your very own, but it really isn't! Great isn't it? Well thats not the only reason, the other reason is you get to instruct this child on the ritious path to heaven. We plan to do that with Aiden. Aiden just turned one and we had an awesome birthday party at The Pizza Factory. We watched a video of him as he grew from 1 month to 12 months. Wow babies get big fast. Anyways, if Aiden ever gets to read this, Happy First Birthday from your Godfather!

Ah my beautiful truck

This is just a blog about my beautiful truck...
2007 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport 4x4


Thanks to my buddy PJ we managed to finish our master closet. It looks like something out of MTV Cribs (of course i'm going to say that, I BUILT IT). Well it's not quiet finished, but it is good for now. It only took us two weeks to finally complete it, but we got it done. Here are some pictures of it and I will try to look for the "in the process" pictures.




Catching Up!

Well lately it has been one of those times where I've been super busy at work and can't seem to find time to blog. Well I saw my wife blogging last night and I thought, she is really dedicated, maybe I should be to. I enjoy blogging and wish I could do it more often. So anyways here it goes.

The only reason I remember what i've done in the past month is due to a great invention by Apple called the Iphone. I know you guys have heard of it because if you haven't then you have been sitting under a rock. I randomly take pictures of interesting things and it helps me remember the fun times i've had. It nothing like having a camera at your fingertips all the time. Needless to say I think the Iphone is a great invention, but I'm just a geek.

To this day God has blessed me every second of every day. Thank you God! And one of the biggest blessings has been that we are having a baby!!!!!! I'm sure you all already know that but it has made me realize that God is wonderful and keeps blessing us. Here are some pictures and audio of our baby.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Blessing from above

I just want everyone to know first and foremost that God has certainly provided for everything both needs and wants. I have to confess that i've been wanting and not really needing a pickup lately and we finally came across a really good deal. Tonight we took the plunge and bought a 2007 SHINY RED TRD TOYOTA TACOMA as pictured below. There will be more pictures to come, but for now we are at Nando's having some fun.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is all this bird talk? Twitter?

Ok enough with the twitter already! Twitter over here, twitter over there, I've heard so much about this twitter thing that I had to find out what it was. I went to and found a video that explained it. It is a way of keeping up to date with what you are doing at the moment. It is not meant to be a blog or anything like that, but just a note to say I'm working, or at home, or watching tv, well you get the point. I made an account if any of you want to track what i'm doing constantly just go to . Now everyone keeps asking me what is this twitter thing you speak of? I will point you to my blog. :)

This twitter would say "Smoking dad and eric at chinese checkers"

love, peace, and pizza grease :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Playing with the macs at work....I mean testing the macs at work

Ever wonder why everyone on myspace and msn messenger have these pictures with 4 squares of the same picture. Its probably because they have a program called photobooth on their apple computer. No I haven't bought a mac yet, but we recently bought 12 macbooks at work for a computer lab that we run and I was testing this photobooth feature. Here are the results.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Dinning Table

For months now we have been looking for a dinning table. Most stores like ashley's and walkers, and most other furniture stores in tri-cities had square, rectangle, or oval tables but no round tables! We were looking for a round table because we thought that would look the nicest in our dinning space. Finally we stumbled across a little place in pasco called "Casa Mia" and sure enough they had the table we were looking for. And for a good price to! Here it is.

Just call me the Godfather :)

It was an honor for me when my best bud fidel (since we were babies) asked us to be his son Aiden X. Garza's Godparents. We presented Aiden in church on sunday and he was lookin like a stud (he gets that from the garza's of course).

Lets catch up for June-- Eric's Graduation!

Eric my little big brother is finally graduated from high school and thankfully is going to Eastern Washington University this fall. Here is a picture of Eric graduating at othello high school :) Congrats to you ERIC!! We are all super duper proud man.

This Next picture was inspired by my sister Sandra! We wanted to take a picture with all the siblings and my sister sandra lives in texas so we decided to take her senior picture off the wall and take a picture with it. I thought it was halarious.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fishing!!! Finally!!!

Today my buddy Johnny and Steven took me fishing to the "private lake". I gotta say these guys usually catch bigger and better fish than me, but today I SMOOOOOOKED THEM. hahaha. It was great fun though and definitely want to go as often as I can this summer.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Time is Finally HERE!

I have been waiting for this time of year, well ALL YEAR. Finally it is here "Spring Time," birds chirping, sun shining, and of course lawn mowing. Mostly when I lived with my parents I hated to mow, of course we had like an acre to mow. Now i have like 3 ft of grass in the front and like 10 ft in the back and i'm done. I drove over to Lowes on the corner of 68 and Burden and was looking for a "weed wacker" or tirmmer if you will, they had everything from a 200 dollar, 4 stroke, weed eating MACHINE to a 30 dollar plug it in and go piece of crap. Of course with a tight budget and not a huge need for a trimmer I bought a 30 dollar plug it in and go trimmer. I had no idea but the stupid little trimmer is also a edge trimmer, and I gotta say i give it a 7 out of 10. That little thing worked pretty good. Here are the results.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh what fun it is to RIDE!

Hang on babe!

This canal is deeper than the picture makes it look like...we all crossed it.

Fidel and his Family

Me and My Wifey

Fidel jumping on my ride

Oh man this weekend was awesome!! Me and my beautiful wife went to Othello this weekend for some fun in the snow. We headed over to my cousin Fidels, who is blessed with four wheelers, and we did some awesome trail riding! We also hooked up a sled and did some sleddding which proved to be not so fun when your cousin runs you into a tire unexpectedly! HAHAHA I almost bit off my tounge which I cant taste anything out of now and almost broke my tail bone. All was fun anyways and I jumped back on the horse to finish off the day. Its fun being a kid, so for now no kids for me!

Have a great day

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008

I just want to wish everyone a happy new year. My prayer for everyone that I know to have a great year. Last year someone must have been praying for me because it was a huge year for me and my new wife. We got married, moved twice, bought a car, furnished a house, and changed jobs about 3 times all in one year. Finally we are where we wanted to be. I give all the thanks to my Lord God Almighty.

