Fidel and Marissa are both my cousins, no not because they are married, they are both my first cousins! Weird isn't it. Well its not that weird because Fidel is my cousin on my dads side and Marissa on my moms side. They have both been the bestest of friends to me since we were really really little. They have this wonderful son his name is Aiden and they blessed us with the privilege of being his God Parents. Being a "God Parent" is a privilege and a blessing because you get to embrace the child as if it was your very own, but it really isn't! Great isn't it? Well thats not the only reason, the other reason is you get to instruct this child on the ritious path to heaven. We plan to do that with Aiden. Aiden just turned one and we had an awesome birthday party at The Pizza Factory. We watched a video of him as he grew from 1 month to 12 months. Wow babies get big fast. Anyways, if Aiden ever gets to read this, Happy First Birthday from your Godfather!

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