I am working on my personal site to make it more appealing to future employers. I do not plan on ever moving fromt he current job I have, but I like to have a backup plan just in case. As of today my site seems out of date and not something that appeals to anyone at this point in time. To the right is a sample of something I have been creating. This site is a very simple and gets straight to the point. I hope to get this done on my spare time, but the key words are "spare time", I never seem to have any spare time to just work on something like this now that I have a beautiful wife at home that loves to cuddle with me. Which brings me to another point, I've been married for a month and six days woooohooooo! Hey thats longer than alot of people on tv. Anyways I better get back to my wife. Thanks for stoppin by.
Hey Sweety!! Thanks for being the most wonderful husband ever...and thanks for cuddling with me, I Love You!!
easy killer, lol
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