Monday, March 30, 2009

Schools are really killing creativity

Watching this video really impacted my thinking. When he says "Someone else would have gave her some pills and told her to calm down" sometimes we have to keep our eyes open to creativity.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

LMBO = Laughing My Butt Off and NSFK = Not Safe For Kids

I just got done laughing my butt off with this video. This is probably the 10 or 20th time i've watched this video. If you actually pay attention to what he says, he is actaully a pretty smart guy even though his lyrics are gross or perverted. Anyways this is one of those guys who just started making video's on youtube and now is probably making a pretty good living doing that. Every time we watch his video we are making him money.

:) Enjoy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Digital Learners

I have been watching these kinds of video's for a while, being in the Education realm of technology it has really opened my eyes. Teachers of tomorrow need to pay attention to whats going on around them and adapt instead of teach the same way they have been teaching for the last 100 years.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WARNING: This video is long

I began watching most if not all of the TED video's after I saw this video. In this video Bill Gates the X-CEO of Microsoft is now trying to save the world. I was really intrigued by the second part of this video and think that he is moving in the right direction. If you ever get a chance take a look at some more TED video's.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blogs in plain English

I saw this video and really like the way it explains what a blog really is. I don't say this much because it sounds like I'm a THEORIST or something, but I really think we are at the verge of some big changes in the way we live. My next couple of posts will be these really good video's I find on youtube. I hope you can enjoy them.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why the ads?

Look i'm not a big fan of these stupid Google Ads, but yes they are purposely put on this page. Why? you might ask. Well they make me some extra money when you click on them. So if you want to support my blog you can click on the ads and just check the sites out. If you don't want to you don't have to, just skip over there, but they are there to make me money and all you really have to do is click on them. Now I know i'm not a great blogger, but there are some people that just live off these Google Ads. Every time you click them I get points, and when I get a certain amount of points I get a couple pennies.

