Friday, December 5, 2008

Silly Hats

Here's me and my brother Ben and his son Bryson being silly.

Its been a while....again.

I haven't been so good at blogging like I should. I'm sorry, why lie I've been gaming. But let me tell you what I've been up to. Lately I got a piano and totally love to play around. I'm not into playing notes or songs, but I love playing tunes. I can now play part of the nut cracker theme, the supermario tune, and part of Beverly Hills Cop Theme song. I have been having alot of fun with this piano making some beats and stuff, I will post a video when I get a chance. Of course I have been doing alot of gaming playin halo3 with my brothers Eric, Josh, and Ben. I've also been trying to spend more time with my hunny bunny just because I love her so much. And just recently I have been really really sick. Thanksgiving was not very fun for me because I was feeling so sick. I was sick for about 5 days and then I got all better, but I pushed the limits while I was fixing my bike in fidel's shop because it was REALLY cold. So now I am still fighting off some sickness still. I will be going on vacation to MEXICO tomorrow, I pray that all will go well on our trip. Please keep us in our prayers and God Bless.

This is a picture of my game room

Here is a picture of my nightstand when I am sick